Elements of Education for School Leaders

Elements of Education for School Leaders

by Julia Chun, Tyler Tingley, and William Lidwell

What skills are needed to ensure success as a school leader today? How do you ensure great teaching and learning is happening in your school? How do you build leadership capacity within your teams? To answer these questions, the authors combined up-to-date research with their own leadership experiences to assemble fifty essential principles that will help school leaders focus on what is most important.

This book provides clear, concise, and valuable advice for school leaders and their leadership teams. Each principle is paired with a case study that places each one in a real-life context. The Elements of Education for School Leaders is an essential resource for anyone who wants to lead an effective school.

About the Authors

Julia Chun is the director of global education at Avenues The World School. She also was the founding principal of the New Visions Charter High School for Advanced Math and Science, the first in a network of ten charter high schools in New York City.

Tyler Tingley has led four American independent schools: Kingswood-Oxford School in Connecticut, the Blake School in Minnesota, and Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, as well as co-head of Avenues The World School in New York City. He is currently a strategic advisor at Avenues The World School.

William Lidwell is Vice President of the Tiger Works Research and Development team at Avenues The World School. He is the author of several books, including the best-selling Universal Principles of Design.